Wildwood Cemetery, Wasioja, Dodge Co., MN
This small cemetery dates back to 1860. It had 815 graves (as of 2012) and includes thirty-one Civil War soldiers buried from when President Lincoln called up troops in 1861. Eighty men from Wasioja, including students from the seminary are buried in the old section. A fire in the 1970s destroyed every record from when the cemetery started.
Joseph Dresbach, the son of John Dreisbach (1762-1823 in Mifflinburg, PA), and grandson of Martin Dreisbach I (1717-1799 at Lewisburg, now Union Co., PA) and his wife, Mary Lincoln Roush, are buried here.
Click on this link to check out the Dresbach burials enumerated on the FindAGrave page for Wildwood Cemetery.