St Peter's Union Church in Mantzville, Schuylkill Co., PA

Cemetery of St. Peter's Union Church, Mantzville, Pa.

The descendants of Simon Dreisbach Sr’s son, George William (b.1733 in Wittgenstein, d. after 1809, probably in Mantzville, PA.) are buried in two cemeteries above Blue Mountain (the northern mountain ridge of the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania). Most are buried in the cemetery of St. Peter’s Union Church in Mantzville. There are two Dreisbach tombstones in St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mahoning, PA., 826 Mahoning Drive West, Lehighton, PA 18235

St Peter's Union Church is in Mantzville, PA, mail address 184 St. Peters Road, Tamaqua, PA 18252

The Dreisbach tombstones in the cemetery of St Peter's Union Church, which is located in the small town of Mantzville, Schuylkill County, PA, west of the Lehigh River, can be presumed to belong to descendants of George Dreisbach, the fourth son of Simon Dreisbach Sr. Mantzville is the area settled by George Dreisbach (Georg Wilhelm Dreisbach - 1733 to after 1809). However the tombstone of George Dreisbach has not been found.